Chapter 31 Map of the business parties in Las vegas

Seems from the map that most of the business is in the neighborhood of The Strip in Las Vagas.

From Wikipedia

The Las Vegas Strip is a stretch of South Las Vegas Boulevard in Clark County, Nevada that is known for its concentration of resort hotels and casinos. The Strip is approximately 4.2 miles (6.8 km) in length,[1] located immediately south of the Las Vegas city limits in the unincorporated towns of Paradise and Winchester.

LasvegasCoords = business %>% filter(city == "Las Vegas")

center_lon = median(LasvegasCoords$longitude,na.rm = TRUE)
center_lat = median(LasvegasCoords$latitude,na.rm = TRUE)

leaflet(LasvegasCoords) %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>%
  addCircles(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude,radius = ~sqrt(review_count))  %>%
  # controls
  setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 13)