Little Book on Exploratory Data Analysis
Ambarish Ganguly
Chapter 1 Introduction

This Little Book on Exploratory Data Analysis provides a gentle and hands on introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis. If you are tired of reading through pages of text and would like to get your hands dirty and experience on how to do a quick and detailed exploratory data analysis, then you are in the right place. This book takes the following datasets and does a detailed EDA
Womens Tennis matches
Meteorite Landings dataset from NASA
Adverse Food Events dataset from FDA
Hope you will have fun going thorough this book as much as I had writing it.
1.1 Womens Tennis Matches Dataset
The dataset covers statistics of players registered on the WTA, the matches that happened on each tour by year, with results, as well some qualifying matches for the tours.
1.2 Meteorite Landings Dataset
The Meteoritical Society collects data on meteorites that have fallen to Earth from outer space. This dataset includes the location, mass, composition, and fall year for over 45,000 meteorites that have struck our planet.
This dataset was downloaded from NASA’s Data Portal, and is based on The Meteoritical Society's Meteoritical Bulletin Database
(this latter database provides additional information such as meteorite images, links to primary sources, etc.).
1.3 Adverse Food Events Dataset
The CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS) is a database that contains information on adverse event and product complaint reports submitted to FDA for foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. The database is designed to support CFSAN’s safety surveillance program. Adverse events are coded to terms in the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) terminology.
This dataset is collected by the US Food and Drug Administration.
1.4 Live version
If you wish to have a peek of the end result, you can view this in the following links