Chapter 35 Distribution of African Meteorite Landings with Meteorite Mass
The mass of the Meteorites are indicated by the Radius of the Circles.The mass has been converted to Kgs and then multiplied by 10
top = 20 # north lat
left = -20 # west long
right = 50 # east long
bottom = -40 # south lat
AfricaMetLandings = MetLandings %>%
filter(reclat >= bottom) %>%
filter ( reclat <= top) %>%
filter( reclong >= left ) %>%
filter(reclong <= right)
center_lon = median(AfricaMetLandings$reclong,na.rm = TRUE)
center_lat = median(AfricaMetLandings$reclat,na.rm = TRUE)
factpal <- colorFactor(c("red","blue"),
leaflet(AfricaMetLandings) %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>%
addCircles(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat,radius = ~(mass/1e3)*10 ,
color = ~factpal(fall)) %>%
# controls
setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 3) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = factpal, values = ~fall,
title = "Meteorites landings and fall",
opacity = 1)
35.1 Peek into the Africa Met Landings Data
AfricaMetLandings = AfricaMetLandings %>% arrange(desc(mass))
kable(head(AfricaMetLandings,6),"html") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
scroll_box(width = "800px")
name | id | nametype | recclass | mass | fall | year | reclat | reclong | GeoLocation |
Hoba | 11890 | Valid | Iron, IVB | 60000000 | Found | 1920 | -19.58333 | 17.91667 | (-19.583330, 17.916670) |
Gibeon | 10912 | Valid | Iron, IVA | 26000000 | Found | 1836 | -25.50000 | 18.00000 | (-25.500000, 18.000000) |
Mbosi | 15456 | Valid | Iron, ungrouped | 16000000 | Found | 1930 | -9.11667 | 33.06667 | (-9.116670, 33.066670) |
Kouga Mountains | 12352 | Valid | Iron, IIIAB | 1173000 | Found | 1903 | -33.61667 | 24.00000 | (-33.616670, 24.000000) |
Rateldraai | 22397 | Valid | Iron, IIIAB | 549000 | Found | 1909 | -28.83333 | 21.13333 | (-28.833330, 21.133330) |
Kokstad | 12341 | Valid | Iron, IIIE | 341000 | Found | 1884 | -30.55000 | 29.41667 | (-30.550000, 29.416670) |
35.2 Heatmap of Africa Meteorite Landings
The intensity of the Heatmap is based on the mass of the meteorites.
AfricaMetLandings %>% leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>%
addHeatmap(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat, intensity = ~mass,
blur = 20, max = 0.05, radius = 15) %>%
# controls
setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 3)
35.3 Distribution of Africa Meteorite Landings with Cluster Markers
The meteorite landings have been clustered
and their numbers are being shown in the map.
AfricaMetLandings %>% leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap") %>%
addMarkers(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat,clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>%
# controls
setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 3)