Chapter 34 Distribution of US Meteorite Landings

The following plot shows the distribution of the US meteorite landings.Here we have filtered the US meteorite landings by filtering the latitude and longitude.

top = 49.3457868 # north lat
left = -124.7844079 # west long
right = -66.9513812 # east long
bottom =  24.7433195 # south lat

USMetLandings = MetLandings %>%
  filter(reclat >= bottom) %>%
  filter ( reclat <= top) %>%
  filter( reclong >= left ) %>%
  filter(reclong <= right)

center_lon = median(USMetLandings$reclong,na.rm = TRUE)
center_lat = median(USMetLandings$reclat,na.rm = TRUE)

leaflet(USMetLandings) %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>%
  addCircles(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat, 
             color = c("blue"))  %>%
  # controls
  setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 4) 

34.1 Peek into the US Met Landings Data

USMetLandings = USMetLandings %>% arrange(desc(mass))

kable(head(USMetLandings,6),"html") %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "800px")
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
Canyon Diablo 5257 Valid Iron, IAB-MG 30000000 Found 1891 35.05000 -111.03333 (35.050000, -111.033330)
Chupaderos 5363 Valid Iron, IIIAB 24300000 Found 1852 27.00000 -105.10000 (27.000000, -105.100000)
Bacubirito 4919 Valid Iron, ungrouped 22000000 Found 1863 26.20000 -107.83333 (26.200000, -107.833330)
Willamette 24269 Valid Iron, IIIAB 15500000 Found 1902 45.36667 -122.58333 (45.366670, -122.583330)
Morito 16745 Valid Iron, IIIAB 10100000 Found 1600 27.05000 -105.43333 (27.050000, -105.433330)
Brenham 5136 Valid Pallasite, PMG-an 4300000 Found 1882 37.58250 -99.16361 (37.582500, -99.163610)

34.2 Distribution of US Meteorite Landings with Meteorite Mass

The mass of the Meteorites are indicated by the Radius of the Circles.

The mass has been converted to Kgs and then multiplied by 10

factpal <- colorFactor(c("red","blue"), 

leaflet(USMetLandings) %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>%
  addCircles(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat,radius = ~(mass/1e3)*10 ,
             color = ~factpal(fall))  %>%
  # controls
  setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 4) %>%
  addLegend("bottomright", pal = factpal, values = ~fall,
            title = "Meteorites landings and fall",
            opacity = 1)

34.3 Heatmap of US Meteorite Landings

The intensity of the Heatmap is based on the mass of the meteorites.

USMetLandings %>% leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap") %>% 
  addHeatmap(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat, intensity = ~mass,
             blur = 20, max = 0.05, radius = 15) %>%
  # controls
  setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 4) 

34.4 Distribution of US Meteorite Landings with Cluster Markers

The meteorite landings have been clustered and their numbers are being shown in the map.

USMetLandings %>% leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap") %>% 
  addMarkers(lng = ~reclong, lat = ~reclat,clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>%
    # controls
  setView(lng=center_lon, lat=center_lat,zoom = 4)