Chapter 16 Lowest Number of Votes after Hidden Gem Declaration

The notebooks which got the lowest votes after the Hidden Gem declaration are shown below

 kernel_gems_votes %>%
  filter(VoteDate > date) %>%
  group_by(CurrentUrlSlug) %>%
  summarise(Count = n()) %>%
  arrange((Count)) %>%
  head(15) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(CurrentUrlSlug = reorder(CurrentUrlSlug,Count))  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CurrentUrlSlug,y = Count)) +
  geom_bar(stat='identity',colour="white", fill = fillColor2) +
  geom_text(aes(x = CurrentUrlSlug, y = 1, label = paste0("(",Count,")",sep="")),
            hjust=0, vjust=.5, size = 4, colour = 'black',
            fontface = 'bold') +
  labs(x = 'CurrentUrlSlug', 
       y = 'Count', 
       title = 'Lowest UpVotes') +
  coord_flip() + 

  a = s %>%
  arrange((Count)) %>%
  head(15) %>%
  a %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = "Lowest Votes after the Hidden Gem Declaration")
Lowest Votes after the Hidden Gem Declaration
notebook title review I’d like to propose a toast! Hugo is brewing a delicious exploration of beer recipes, their popularity, and their ingredients. Go to his notebook, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this whole Covid thing to blow over. Does Twitter Chirp Chai? The female winner of the competition presents a well-focussed analysis of the social media aspect of the CTDS interviews. Engaging and humourous narration makes this Notebook a joy to read. Kiva-Detailed Analysis using Highcharter & Leaflet This work presents a diverse range of interactive visualisations to study global crowdfunding efforts to alleviate poverty. The highcharter time series and the leaflet maps are particularly powerful. Identifying Bias in AI This Notebook constitutes a key lessons in Kaggle's new [Intro to AI Ethics course]( Understanding sources of bias is crucial as ML products become more and more powerful. Model Cards The final entry in Kaggle's new [Intro to AI Ethics course]( discusses the concept of [Model Cards]( which aim to promote informed usage of models via increased transparency and documentation. See the flow of bikes This work present a visual analysis of bike sharing flow from a city of Toronto dataset; complete with clusters, maps, and network graphs that showcase the bike movement. 2017 German Elections : some results A somewhat topical entry, this notebook produces expert visuals to analyse the previous German voting patterns in 2017. Lots of inspiration to study and compare the recent 2021 election. KFC vs Mc Donalds Vs Cafe Coffee Day Get your morning coffee (and snacks!) in Bangalore using this compact Notebook, which features a map, summary visuals, and detailed interpretation of the findings. Learning in Cyberspace: a Story of Pandemic Times A comprehensive study of online learning during Covid-19, featuring carefully designed visuals, extensive interpretations, and multiple related datasets for context and augmentation. COVID-19 Study with Epidemiology models This work presents a comprehensive study of Covid-19 progressions from the early days of the pandemic. Featuring well illustrated implementations of epidemiological models. Santander: EDA + features A great example for an end-to-end framework to model anonymised & sparse tabular data. The next Santander competition is never far away ;-) What's this? Chai and DataScience? Another excellent analysis of CTDS show data (see Vol. 12), where great storytelling & structure are interspersed by entertaining visuals. Best part of the cake, worst part of Hockey: Icing From the magnificent title pun to the fun little sketches; this Notebook is a joy to read. I learned much more about ice hockey oddities than I had expected. Fun with Meteorites Landings w/ Maps An extensive exploration of meteorites found on earth. Note the use of interactive leaflet maps to explore the global distributions of impact sites and meteorite characteristics. A Very Extensive Porto Exploratory Analysis A compact visual EDA and baseline model that deals with the challenges of anonymised features and imbalanced targets. Clear organisation helps the reader to navigate the relatively large feature set.