Chicago Restaurants Inspections Text Mining
Restaurant inspections ensure that food served to the public at licensed food establishments follows food safety guidelines. The Food Protection Division of the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is committed to maintaining the safety of food bought, sold, or prepared for public consumption in Chicago by carrying out science-based inspections
of all retail food establishments. These inspections promote public health
in areas of food safety and sanitation
and prevent the occurrence of food-borne illness.
We examine the inspections in the following topics
- Top Twenty Facility Types
- Inspection Results for Top Twenty Facility Types
- Trend of Inspections YearWise
- Trend of Inspections Monthwise
- Trend of Inspections Daywise
- Maps of Food Places
- Top Twenty most Common Words
- WordCloud of the Common Words
- TF - IDF Theory
- The Math
- Term Frequency of Words (TF)
- TF- IDF of Unigrams (One Word )
- Word Cloud for Unigrams
- TF - IDF Bigrams
- Verification of important words for
Out of Business
- Word Cloud for Bigrams
- Relationship among words
- Sentiment Analysis for Results
- Sentiment analysis by word
- Sentiment analysis by word for Each Result Type
- Sentiment analysis by Inspection Text
- Plot of Results and Risks
- Modelling with XGBoost whether the Business will be
Out of Business
A detailed report Chicago Restaurants Inspections Text Mining has the complete Data Visualization with Text Mining and Modelling.